Tuesday, December 24, 2013

On The 10th Day of Christmas

Dear Family, Friends, and Collegues (you know which group you fall in)

This week has been fairly uneventful. Lots of Porting. Lots of Porting. And Lots of Porting. However we did get the opportunity to have a couple of wonderful lessons so I can't really complain. 

Speaking of complaining....it is SO HOT HERE!! You think you know heat because you've lived in Arizona, and you think you know heat because you've lived in muggy Virginia but then you combine the two and that is La Reunion. Mom, if Googleweather told you that it is 84 degrees it is straight up lying! We have a thermometer built into our car and we've been getting readings of 32, 34 and even 36 degrees. Which are ALL in the 90s. I'm telling you folks it is HOT. Then whenever people talk about the weather and how it is hot, everyone, everyone tells us "La chaleur, il commence". Which means "The heat, it's starting." Starting?! Whewww, you've got to be kidding me! Although luckily, someone informed me that it doesn't actually get hotter in January, it just gets more humid. Oh good. The rain has held off this week, which is unfortunate since that is the explanation for the extreme heat. At least we don't wear pants or ties I guess. 

We are gearing up for Christmas season here too. My companions and I have found a "12 Days of Christmas" collection of stories and like to read them each night at dinner. It really seems to help bring the spirit of Christmas. We also found decorations in our apartment so actually have a 3 foot high tree with lights and everything! For the most part though it doesn't really feel like the holiday season because life is going on as normal, plus it's ninety degrees outside everyday and we're sweating through our shirts. This Thursday is the Branch Christmas party and it's supposed to be quite the party! We have invited EVERYONE we know, so hopefully that will pan out. I truly believe that if some of these amis could come and feel the spirit that the church and the ward members have to offer, they would have that strong desire to know more and have that spirit in their lives always. It's this Thursday so I'll let you know how it goes. 

Some people here have put up a tree and some lights but not nearly as much as in the US. Mostly everything we do is bigger and over the top (if you can believe that!) so things here in Reunion are a lot more toned down. And the tree is always fake - though I have seen some pine trees growing out here. Interestingly enough, even though some people put fake pine trees in their houses the real Christmas tree in La Reunion is the "Flamboyant" which is this tree with red petals all over it - I'll try and send you a picture. The people here say the color of Christmas is red because of the flamboyant and the letchis.

The work is going sort of slowly since we don't have many amis to see and are porting all the time but that's because you just have to find the right people. Hopefully after this Christmas party we'll see things pick up. My companions and I keep telling ourselves that we are in the "quadrant of miracles" so now it's only a matter of time before we start seeing them.

Soeur Stewart


Dear All,

First, the senior couple here has a blog all about the mission and missionaries. Apparently she puts up pictures of us pretty frequently so if you want to see more than what I send (or don't send) out - check it out! I don't know the address but I have heard a quck google search will make it come up fast.

Second, I have no real exciting news. Everything is still progressing slowly slowly. Three of out amis came to the Christmas party which was great!! And one of them is starting to come to church now! So we are really happy about that. His name is Hughes and he is so great.

Thirdly, the rain I have been waiting for finally came!! And it came practically all in one day! There was one day this week when it just POURED. You would have thought someone was dumping buckets from heaven. Luckily it started up around lunch time so we were inside and then we called our zone leader to ask what we should do since we were just supposed to know on doors that whole day. He said it wasn't very safe to drive and to try and stay in until things lightened up. So that was pretty crazy.

Lastly, we got invited over for Christmas dinner! YEAH! We are so happy because originally we were just going to eat by ourselves at home which would have been fine but it's nice to be around peoople! We have been invited over to a member's house and then I'll be able to skype from there so everything is working out like a dream.

I am SO grateful to be in this church. I KNOW that this church has been restored by the Lord Jesus Christ, through his intermediary Joseph Smith the prophet in our Latter-days. And I am so grateful to be a part of it and know this truth. I am grateful to know that through the gospel of Jesus Christ it is possible for all of us and ALL men to come unto Christ. To take upon us His load and to come "into His rest". We have been promised a glorious destiny if we can but change our hearts to be more loving and more Christlike and obey our Heavenly Father. I know that this life has a purpose and that we are known and numbered unto the Father. These truths are a REALITY. And so is the eternal happiness that we can have one day. During this season of Christ, seek Him. Come unto Him by being a more devoted and loving disciple. He gave the greatest gift of all - hHis life and His example. Give Him the best gift you can in return. Give Him your Heart. 

I LOVE you all and pray for each one of you!! Have a very Merry Christmas!!

Soeur Stewart

Monday, December 9, 2013

Zone Conference

Hello All!

So a really exciting week! Elder Renlund and his wife came with President Adams and Sr Adams this Wednesday to talk and teach us at Zone Conference and it was SOOO AMAZING!! Elder and Sister Renlund both taught us full interactive lessons. They were moving around the room and asking us questions and it was so enlightening. I was just so grateful to have the opportunity to learn from a general authority. You can tell they are such diligent servants of the Lord! So that was really great, I took away a lot of things that I've been trying to implement in my missionary life or in my character. 

But the greatest lesson that I got out of it is this: If you imagine a graph where attitude and effort are on the axis there are four different quadrants.
Bad Attitude, Bad Effort
Bad Attitude, Great Effort
Great Attitude, Bad Effort

Great Attitude, Great Effort

He said this last quadrant is called the "quadrant of miracles" And he shared a story about his brother who was a REALLY hard working missionary but was kind of down about his mission because it was in Sweden and no one ever listened or got baptized. He said that in the last three months of his mission he changed his attitude and pushed himself in the quadrant of miracles. Those last three months his companionship had as many baptisms as their whole mission had the year before! He said that we ALL have to work to put ourselves in this quadrant and that many times throughout the day we are in all four! But that as we work to have that hope and optimism that comes from faith in Christ and work hard too, we begin to see miracles. I was so inspired by that and everyday have started praying for help to stay in the "quadrant of miracles". Mostly I need to work on my attitude because it is so easy to trudge through the work and just get things done without staying completely upbeat or optimistic.

There is not too much to write about because we still don't have any solid amis. So we did a LOT of porting this week - almost 16 hours. We are hoping that some of the people we met will prove to be really interested in the gospel and want to hear our message. 

I had a crazy allergy attack this week! One morning I woke up and it was like BAM!! Suddenly my nose was running and also stuffy and my head felt like a million pounds and my throat was starting to hurt. While we were walking around all day I had to carry multiple packets of tissues and I was quickly going through them. It was not fun. It took me pretty much all week long to get back to normal. I don't know what it was that suddenly triggered it because everything has continued as normal here but I was really struggling this week. Mostly I just thought I was going to die because I couldn't ever breathe! Not literally ever, I could breathe through my mouth. However, I have been blessed once again with health so now I'm back to normal again!! Yay! I am incredibly grateful and know that it is a blessing from the Lord.

I have had such an amazing testimony boost about PRAYER! Guys, it is so real and so powerful! I know that Heavenly Father listens to us and is there helping us. I also know that if we ask humbly and in faith for righteous desires he can help us accomplish them. I have been working so hard on taking my weaknesses and worries and opening up and talking talking talking to my Heavenly Father about it. Because if we want to develop a quality or ask for strength in an area of our life, the best place to start is with prayer to our Heavenly Father. He knows us perfectly. And he is just waiting to help us out or give us a blessing but we have to ask in faith first. It's like the scripture in 2 Nephi 32:9. We should pray unto the Father first that HE may consecrate our efforts so it can be for the welfare of our souls. I think that is SO powerful! Also you have to find and read an address by Elder Bednar called "Ask in Faith"! As one of my Christmas gifts, please do this for me! I know that I have a lot of weaknesses and I'm working on them but the best way to work on them is to council with the Father first and then to get up on your feet and put it into practice. Already I have seen this principle played out in my own life. And it can be anything: more courage to share the gospel, a greater sensitivity to others feelings, knowing what to say when you get a missionary opportunity, more patience, the ability to think more positively, or being less critical and having less negative thoughts. The Lord wants to help you develop Christlike talents and attributes and they are a gift from Him. Who better to help you change your character than the one who made you! Anyway, that is my testimony of prayer!! So everyone, make sure you say them every day and make sure you MEAN them!! Be completely honest. Tell him about your biggest worries, your fears, the things that bother you. Talk to Him.

I LOVE you guys!! Hopefully I'll be able to tell you more about the progressing work soon!
Soeur Stewart