Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Dear All,

First, the senior couple here has a blog all about the mission and missionaries. Apparently she puts up pictures of us pretty frequently so if you want to see more than what I send (or don't send) out - check it out! I don't know the address but I have heard a quck google search will make it come up fast.

Second, I have no real exciting news. Everything is still progressing slowly slowly. Three of out amis came to the Christmas party which was great!! And one of them is starting to come to church now! So we are really happy about that. His name is Hughes and he is so great.

Thirdly, the rain I have been waiting for finally came!! And it came practically all in one day! There was one day this week when it just POURED. You would have thought someone was dumping buckets from heaven. Luckily it started up around lunch time so we were inside and then we called our zone leader to ask what we should do since we were just supposed to know on doors that whole day. He said it wasn't very safe to drive and to try and stay in until things lightened up. So that was pretty crazy.

Lastly, we got invited over for Christmas dinner! YEAH! We are so happy because originally we were just going to eat by ourselves at home which would have been fine but it's nice to be around peoople! We have been invited over to a member's house and then I'll be able to skype from there so everything is working out like a dream.

I am SO grateful to be in this church. I KNOW that this church has been restored by the Lord Jesus Christ, through his intermediary Joseph Smith the prophet in our Latter-days. And I am so grateful to be a part of it and know this truth. I am grateful to know that through the gospel of Jesus Christ it is possible for all of us and ALL men to come unto Christ. To take upon us His load and to come "into His rest". We have been promised a glorious destiny if we can but change our hearts to be more loving and more Christlike and obey our Heavenly Father. I know that this life has a purpose and that we are known and numbered unto the Father. These truths are a REALITY. And so is the eternal happiness that we can have one day. During this season of Christ, seek Him. Come unto Him by being a more devoted and loving disciple. He gave the greatest gift of all - hHis life and His example. Give Him the best gift you can in return. Give Him your Heart. 

I LOVE you all and pray for each one of you!! Have a very Merry Christmas!!

Soeur Stewart

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