Wednesday, September 10, 2014

some french words i don't understand -ky

Not a lot of new news for this week - sorry everyone! Life has just continued on for us missionaries on La Reunion. We had a couple of good lessons and it looks like one of our investigators has some great potential. His name is Phillipe and we had a second lesson with him this week where we even fixed a baptism date! We fixed it for all the way in October because - obviously he has a lot to learn and commitments to make - but we set it as a good goal to work towards. He came to church again this Sunday for the second time and it is super great because normally that is the hardest step!
We heard from Therese this week...but unfortunately it was bad news. She texted us and said thanks for worrying about her but that she has decided to stay in the Catholic church. We asked her if we could come by one last time but she never responded. We are pretty heartbroken because she was so ready and saw such a change in her life with the church and Book of Mormon but we still hold out hope. We hope that with time we will be able to see her again or maybe some of the members because she made some pretty close friends when she came to the branch. We will have to see.
Oh yeah, we did a LOT of contacting this week. Which normally means at least a few potentials for amis, but this week we didn't find so many people. We tried this new contacting message. Basically Sr Gardiner plays her violin and I sing hymns at big public places. We put up this sign that talks about the church and has some pictures from the new Bible videos (you know the super great ones) and the title says "Venez et Vous Verrez!"  which means "Come and See!" A good amount of people will compliment us on the singing or give us thumbs up but not too many have stopped and talked to us. Lots of people look at the sign though. We have mostly been singing in Centreville - which is literal in French meaning the center of town. It's this huge street where no cars can come down just lined with shops - basically the equivalent of a mall. And it was packed this week because all the kids went back to school this monday - today. So last minute shopping was being done to buy notebooks and backpacks and all that jazz. I am sure you are doing the same thing chez vous. So like I said - not tons of success.... But we are hoping at least to give people more exposure to our church and just get them to have contact and notice us the missionaries in a good way. Every one can point out the Temoin Jehovah's (Jehovah Witness) they are always on the street with a little stand and they port peoples houses too. Everyone recognizes them (for good or for worse...) but then when we meet people most of them have never even talked to a missionary OR a member before. We are the very first time they have even known of this church's existence on the island! So I hope our singing routine will at least change that - in a positive way.
Which, by the way, is crazy that some people (most people) have never heard of the church because there have been missionaries here for almost 40 years. And already in a year, between Sr Gardiner and I, we have practically knocked on every single door that is accessible in our part of the city. You think I am joking but I have been here for a year and most weeks we port or contact at least 12 you do the math. We drive around the city looking for new places and say "did that four months ago" , "did that when I first got here" So we have started re-doing things. It surprises me when people say that every time!
Alright well my time is up, have to go! Wish I had more interesting news!
Love you all! 
Sr. Stewart

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