Monday, October 14, 2013

Family and Friends

Family and Friends,

Mom, that does sound like a pretty busy day - although I think some of ours might still top it. 
The other day we had FIVE investigators in church!! It was amazing! Usually we are bowing and scraping for ONE especially because half of the people who say they will come don't and then the other half don't have transport. But then yesterday there were FIVE!! We still have the four baptism dates we are working towards and they are going amazing! 

One of the men who is getting baptized in November is named Jean (John) and he is so great. At first our companionship gave him the nickname "cancellation Jean" because he canceled on us so many times. They found Jean porting and then set up an apt to see him later. Since he's a single man they had to get a sister to go with them from the ward so they arranged all that. But then when they got there he was gone! He missed an apt at his own house. But he called us and apologized saying he forgot so we set up another rendez-vous. We asked a different sister to come with us, found someone who's schedule fit and then went over to Jean's. And guess what. He wasn't there. So we were pretty let down because its tough asking people to come with us and take time out of their schedules and everything just to be canceled on. So the third time we set up a rendez-vous we ephasized how important it was that Jean not cancel and actually BE there. And that time he was. And we taught him a really good first lesson and he came to church two days later. And after that we invited him to be baptized and he accepted and he's been a stunning investigator! He reads all the little pamphlets we give him and the Book of Mormon everyday! And he asks to pray in every lesson and already he's begun telling his friends about the gospel! We are just blown away! 

I have not actually been up and seen the ocean up close since I've been here in Reunion. Which is disapointing even though I can't even get in anyway. But it turns out that NO ONE gets in the ocean. Everyone is terrified because of the sharks. Which actually has a lot of sense since there have been several shark attacks lately. But we asked someone about if they ever get in the ocean here in St Denis and they were like "What? Are you crazy?" They told us we would die before we even got in. Like that they wouldn't even walk near the beach in case a shark was going to jump out of the ocean and take a bite. So most people go to these little inlets to swim instead where there are chains or something. 
But I trust them since just yesterday there was a story about a dog being eaten by a shark. The sharks here are just weirdly aggressive or something....I guess its a good thing I'm not even allowed in the water.

We are in a drought right now in Reunion so even though its the rainy summer season its actually not raining at all. Which is no fun. Apparently its been a long long time since theyve had to wait this long for the rain and people keep talking about how weird it is. All I know is every day it is getting warmer and warmer and more and more humid and no rain.

Church here can be a little crazy. Mostly just Relief Society. There's only like 12 women and regardless of the lesson topic it turns into this free for all debate. Almost all the women are late 40s or older and a lot of the time it becomes a "What's wrong with this generation" sort of "discussion" Except no one really waits to hear each other out. Everyone has these long responses and everyone interrupts each other and it sort of feels like watching a political debate. Except there are no sides. Just everyones opinon. Not even that much disagreement just people want to keep saying their opinons. In different ways. Over each other. It's crazy.

English class is going good! We had 7 people at the last one and we keep passing out flyers and telling people about it each week. It really is interesting how hard it is to teach a language you know perfectly. Mostly because you can't explain everything and you can say "In this circumstance you should say it this way" because there are so many different ways and choices in the English language. But we really like doing it.

I am working on taking more pictures! Cause right now I don't have many....sorry. Also are you making sure to send this out to everyone? I want to make sure my mission friends are getting it too since I don't have any time to send individual emails. 
Also I am really excited to hear about the girls events! I can't believe Kiaris already on HP 5, maybe when I get back we'll do a family trip to Harry Potter World before Kalen leaves huh? Kalen keep it up with the volleyball and remember to bleed BLUE! Forget about Princeton, its lame. Kylee keep working on personal progress because it's really great to build your testimony! Don't let everything pile up to the end! Also Kylee and Kiari you should play the Nancy Drew games because they are SO fun!! And my companion and I talk about them once a day and our favorite memories! Just don't get too obsessed with them and make sure not to break them because I will want them when I come home :)

Also if I could ask one favor...Kylee if you could check my facebook and see if I've gotten any messages from my friends with their email addresses. Specifically Etienne Landron and Daniel Rellaford. If not could you message them and ask for their email address? Thanks! 

I LOVE YOU GUYS!! And hope all things are going well! Exciting news: I'M A MONTH OUT!! I have officially been out in the field for a month by the end of this week!! How crazy is that?!

Sister Stewart

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