Monday, April 21, 2014

Joyeuse Pacques!

Salut et Bonne Fete a Tous!

Well Happy Easter everyone! I don't know about you but my Easter was amazing! I really do love spending holidays out on the mission. I know that might sound crazy but that it always when the most special things happen. So for this Easter things weren't too different. I know in last week's email I said that we weren't doing a musical number...well than I started thinking about what our Easter service was going to be like because we don't have an active branch choir. So when I called up the President of the Branch and he told us there was no special musical number planned, my companion and I volunteered. See, we were hoping and planning for a new family to come this Sunday, and we didn't want their first impression of the church to be that we didn't think Easter was a big deal and didn't do much for it. Maybe a little shallow, but in general we just wanted to make their first time be great and really invite the spirit. What better way than a musical number. Well but then we were in a bit of a crunch because it was Tuesday and we had to prepare something for Sunday. Long story short after reviewing our options, we felt like the prettiest but also most do-able option would be to perform an arrangement that we found leftover in our apartment. (After so many years of being a missionaries apartment there are tons of leftover items from former missionaries) Luckily for us, Sr Gardiner's musical talents do not lie just with violin but she also took piano for like 10 years, so she was able to perform the arrangement with a little bit of practice. It was also a little tricky for me too so we practiced each day throughout the week. In the end it turned out really well. It was this piece called "My Kindness Shall Not Depart From Thee" arranged by Rob Gardner. I DID film it this time (in one of practice sessions) so I'll send it on the USB.

 Also our ami Laureano, CAME TO CHURCH!!! YAY!! We were so happy!! We have been trying to get him to come to church - well for the whole time we've been teaching him but definitely these last 3 months. This week my companion and I did a special fast for him, so that we would be inspired to know what to teach him and what to say during his lesson. Then his lesson went amazing, and all these obstacles that had been in his life sort of disappeared this week. It was pretty much a miracle. And he FINALLY CAME! We didn't have a traditional easter egg hunt, but I hid the scripture eggs and we all sat and read that together after church. I really felt the spirit during church and during the egg activity and am so grateful for the Easter season. The day wasn't completely devoid of chocolate and candy though. I made little Easter bags for each of the girls with a chocolate bunny and some other little things. Then that evening the Madsen couple invited all the missionaries to eat at their house since we hadn't been invited to eat with any of the members! It was SO delicious but also the company was so nice. We watched the Tabernacle Choir perform some of the Messiah and we played games and we got to watch the church Easter video called "Because of Him". It's amazing, if you haven't seen it - go out and watch it NOW! It was so much fun. 

This week went well, we actually had some great lessons and two of them were with new amis who we think have A LOT of potential - so that was great. Plus Easter was amazing. Unfortunately the big news this week is that I'm getting transferred. The call came in last night and we are moving this Wednesday. Which is surprising because we all thought transfers would be coming after this weekend. So now all the plans I had to say goodbye to people this week are moot. Let's just say tears have been shed. I'm going down to St Paul and Sr Gardiner and Sr Isham are staying up here. I've been having a really hard time with the decision because they will both be up here in a different district and in St Denis branch. 

Other than that the week was great. I will be moving on Wednesday so I will have to send you my new address. I love you all and hope that you had an amazing Easter! Remember the MEANING and person behind the holiday!
Shout out to Kiari!!! Because it's her BIRTHDAY on Sunday!!! Happy Happy Birthday!! I can't believe you are already 11!! 
Sr Stewart

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