Wednesday, June 11, 2014

St. Paul

Bonjour a zot!
So now that phrase is actually a large part of my life - that is creole for "hello everyone" and it is everywhere here! So let's just start out by talking about the transfer since that was pretty much my whole week. Umm new area is good...the real difficult thing is that the people here mostly speak Creole...and only Creole. So it's crazy hard to understand them and it's hard for them to understand me... In lots of ways I feel like I am at the beginning of the mission again with language problems, not knowing the sector and feeling unfamiliar with the ward. Aka ignorant in general. So that's not very fun...BUT guess what? I am keeping a good attitude! Yeah, it's true! It's not my favorite place, I still want to be in my old area with my old companion, BUT I'm going to make the best of it and try hard to learn what I can learn and love the people here. I feel like that is a little revolutionary.
I am out on the west on the island in a town called St Paul and our area really is the country. Now I see why everyone considered St Denis "the big city". Because we live among literal plains and it takes us over 40 minutes to drive from one side of our area to another. Also we live up on a montain. I know I said that last time but last time we lived in the middle of the mountain - now we live on top. Last time there were only about 8 hairpin turns from the bottom, now we have over 30. I counted. And they are hairpin! Google maps it. On that note: unfortunately I do not have my new address :( My companion doesn't know it off the top of her head so I will have to write it down and give it later :( However the package one is still the same!
So the BEAUTIFUL countryside is definitely the best thing about the new area!! It is so gorgeous! I will try to send pictures. The biggest downside however, is the creole. My comprehension has gone from 95% in St Denis with french to about 60% in st paul with creole. Plus the first person I talked to in St Paul asked my companion what language I was speaking. So that's a little disheartening. But I can do it. I might only be here for 3 months. Also a postive thing is that the apartment is much more new! So it is a bit nicer than the other one - but it isn't as fournished so it doesn't feel as homey but I plan on adding a couple of touches and changing that a bit. But it's new! How can I complain as a missionary? I can't. It was a little dirty when I got there. The fridge was especially horrendous. There were things literally rotting in we cleaned it out and now it's beautiful.
So yeah, now I'm with Sr Hurst, who is great but a little timid. She is the leader though for the area because I know nothing so maybe this change will help both of us grow. I definitely must have felt your prayers this week because I have felt extra strength and a mysterious optimism that I hope stays. So THANK YOU! And of course I have been making a lot of conscious efforts - but still, prayer works. Heavenly Father hears us. There were some beautiful conference addresses about that.
Speaking of which... this weekend for us was conference!!!! And it was amazing!! I finally watched conference!!! It was so incredible!! Wow!! It's like I can't believe I've gone so much of my life Without the messages that were shared, because they were just so inspiring and strengthening and enlightening! I feel like I understand the gospel better and I just LOVE living apostles and prophets. Wow, what a blessing. Seriously, can't talk enough about how great it was. I hope all of you heard or have chosen one message to really apply in your life. Let conference and the gospel of Jesus Christ that was preached there change you! And if anyone is hesitant about doing missionary work listen to Elder Ballard's talk again - he is going to follow up on his challenge to the members, so I hope everyone took it personally!
Love you all - I will talk to you soon!! YAAAAAY So excited!
Sr Stewart

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