Thursday, July 10, 2014

Even more Changes

So I have nearly no time - sorry about that, I was working on sending pictures...and then it didn't happen but not tons to report this week.
So as you all know/remember some pretty big changes happened at the beginning of this week. Sr Hurst flew home Tuesday and I officially moved back up to St Denis again. Yep, that's right, I am going to be spending over half of my mission in this city - crazy right? Good thing I love the ward. It was really hard for me to say goodbye to St Paul. Not only was I growing to love the ward but I felt like I was just getting started at working on so many of the new possibilities and potentials that there are in that area. Above all I feel like I learned some really important life lessons in St Paul - I learned how to be happy. Even though the situation was tough, for one of the first times in my life I chose not to let the situation determine my overrall attitude and outlook. I decided that everyday was going to be a good day and that I was going to be happy and make happy memories. And you know it really worked. When I look back at my time in St Paul and just think of the happy moments I made or the things I took time to appreciate and I don't really think about some of the sadder lonely moments. So it feels sad to say goodbye to that "era" of my mission. But it might not be goodbye forever!
Now I am in St Denis again. With Sr Gardiner. And we are both Sister Training Leaders for the Island of Reunion and Maurice. Whoo hoo! We are NOT going to be taking care of the sector of St Paul. We are still just occupying our same old area. Sr Gardiner and I have a lot of hopes for our area right now. It feels like this is the right time and the right place for miracles. After all the moving around that has been done, Sr Gardiner and I are together - we are the most senior sisters on the island and we are in our original sector of St Denis. And we are ready to use faith to let the Lord work miracles through us. We have quite a few amis that have lots of potential and I know that great things are coming IF we will work hard enough for them.
This week was pretty crazy since we were running down to St Paul a couple of times to help show the elders around the area and clean up the apt. Saturday night there was a huge "festival" to celebrate Madagascar's independence day (because there are so many Malagasys who live here) that we went to to try to contact people. It was too loud to really talk but we were able to hand out flyers for English class and see a little bit of traditional Malagache culture which was cool. This week a general 70 Elder Hamilton, is coming to the island to participate in our district conference for the whole island. Sr Gardiner and I and Sr Isham will be doing a musical number for that. Sr Gardiner and I will also be teaching a bit at the zone conference with all the missionaries and our mission President Adams on Thursday. I'm a little nervous for that! But this week is going to go great. I will let you know about all the miracles!
Much Love,
Sr Stewart

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