Thursday, July 10, 2014

Ups and Downs

Salut Zot!
So like the title says this week was full of ups and downs. I am going to try and keep the email a lot shorter and just focus on sending pictures. That's right, I'm taking a risk in this sketchy cyber cafe so if my camera gets a virus - no more pictures...But on a positive note a picture is worth a thousand words right - so this week I'll be speaking through pictures.
So the awesome thing about being on a new island in my new area is that the BEACH is part of our area! Which means we can go there during PDays! Sr Hurst and I decided to start exploring a little bit last week but it decided to rain heavily all day so today we want to go and check out the beach and pretend to be tourists for a day. Unfortunately the beginning of the week was a little rough, there were some companion worries but we talked to the senior couple on Tuesday and now President and others are going to help with some of the concerns. I don't want to share personal details of my companion but she's had a lot of intense stress since being on the mission and now I feel like she is getting the help she needs. So that made the rest of the week good because now it's not like she is all alone - or like I'm the only one aware of the problem and I'm all alone in trying to help solve it. So yeah, I'm so grateful for everyone on the mission and all the support we get. Our leaders out here really care about us, as missionaries, not just our numbers or if we are baptizing people. They are out here to help us and care for us and children of God, just like we are out here to do that for our amis and less actives. 
This week was filled with a lot of porting and contacting (no surprise) We were able to have rendez-vous with our two only amis. But unfortunately it made us realize that one of our amis isn't progressing and isn't keeping his commitments and doesn't have the desire to know if the church has been restored. Disapointing. So now we only have one ami but she can't get baptized because she is not yet 18 and her mother is against it. So that's a bummer. But that is pushing Sr Hurt and I to really step it up and do EVERYTHING we can to find new amis and find the people who are prepared. In fact the highlight of my week was when we placed 3 book of mormons in 1 day! That is huge! And I feel like we gave them to people who truly had potential. I just have this feeling that I know that soon we are going to find people who are prepared. The Lord just wants us to work our hardest so we can see blessings that come from faith and hard work. So this week we are focusing on contacting contacting contacting. 
Other than that the week was slower. Another highlight was when we had a district (aka island) wide relief society activity on Saturday and were able to see the other sister missionaries but even better than that was being able to see the women from St Denis again! It was really like seeing old friends after a long time and they told me that St Denis missed me just as much as I missed it. The women and members from that ward really are great so seeing them again was like all this love again.
No funny stories about less actives this week. I will take better note to note the funny one liners that come my way. The funniest one was from our one (and only) amie named Marion who is 17 and has been an investigator for almost a year. When I came in to church and sat next to her she told me. "Today you are skinny!" And I said "Oh really?" she replied "Yesterday you were fat! But today you are skinnier" - Proof I suppose that fasting works at least as a form of dieting ;) I love love love you all! I am so proud of my little bro! Crazy to see you in that cap and gown! I am proud of you and want everyone to keep doing the little but significant things that bring us closer to our Father in Heaven! Pray and read your scriptures!
Sr Stewart

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