Sunday, September 22, 2013

I Made It!!!

I made it!! Back on Wednesday but this is the first opportunity I've had to e-mail. I got in Wednesday night and this time everything went smoothly with the flights - I even flew first class for one! It was amazing and Kalen I will tell you all about it on Monday in my e-mail. So I've been in the field for three days now and things have been good but also rough. The airline lost my bags. So all I've had is my carry on for the past week. Which of course means no hair supplies or body wash or clothes. Luckily I packed one extra set of clothes in my carry on "just in case" but since I left on Monday I've switched between them a lot more than once. Luckily my companions are amazing and have helped me out with almost everything that I don't have. The airline is "looking" for my bags but each day says they don't know where they are because of the canceled flight and everything. I'm trying to remain optimistic and possibly tomorrow is the day I will be reunited with my belongings. I will definitely cry when it finally happens. Already things have been tough! But I guess if this is as bad as its going to get then I only have uphill from here. You would be amazed by how much you can enjoy the little things though. Since I've tried to keep a positive attitude I've still been having a good time. I LOVE my companions (I have two) and I've had fun speaking French and trying to find people to teach (that part is difficult sometimes!). Also there is a view of the ocean no matter where we go in the city and we have one from our apartment so it's hard to complain. Oh and it's France so I can have my cheese and baguettes again! Vive la France! I love you guys and will write probably the longest e-mail in the world on Monday! There is so much to say! Pray for me and my bags - tomorrow could be the day!
Soeur Stewart

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