Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Loving St. Paul

Komé i lé?
I am actually starting to fall in love with St Paul. I never thought anything could replace St Denis - and I'm sure nothing ever will but St Paul sure is carving out it's own special little place. This week was filled with highs and lows. I don't have much time so I'll just talk about some of my favorite moments from this week. The musical number for the baptism went really well - I recruited the help of some of my old companions who came down and played violin and piano - people said they were touched which always makes me feel so happy because that's the point of all the work we put in and practising. One of the families from the branch invited us to eat Sunday lunch at their house and it was simply charming. The family is just so unified and united in love. It's amazing how they radiate the gospel. Being at their house for me is honestly such a treat, it just reminds me of being with my extended family. They are seriously so supportive of the missionaries, and they make us feel that way, special and importnant. It is something, an attitude, - a little rare in the branches here. It's not that people don't like the missionaries, it's just their aren't really families like that who "take care" of the missionaries or have them over often for meals. We played a game with them and all laughed, we talked about movies, they served us food - it honestly made me think of the song "Home can be a Heaven on Earth" That's how I want my future home to be. Last but maybe the most, all during Sacrament meeting on Sunday the little girl who was baptized wanted to sit right next to me. She's always had a strong affinity for the missionaries but during the meeting she wanted to share my chair and wrapped my arms around her. It reminded me of my little sisters and for an hour I got to cuddle and hold that little precious girl close to me. She, lke so many children, just wants to be loved and feel loved, and I tried my best to give her all the love I can and hold her close so she knew that I cared about her. It was a really special moment and touched my heart. For one second I felt like I understood a little bit about the love that Heavenly Father has for his children. Everyone just needs love. Everyone just wants to feel loved. I made a resolve to myself that as a representative of Christ I would strive harder to represent His LOVE for all his children. Just like holding that little girl tight, I want to find a way to express the love that the Lord has for each person I meet and above all the less active members we see and amis we teach.
I don't really have time to write more so I will suffice it with that. The fabric of the gospel is LOVE. I am just realizing that I could study and strive for nothing but that and still not succeed but luckily I have each day to be better and start again. The Lord loves each of us perfectly. And his grace is sufficient for all men. What a comforting knowledge.
Sr Stewart

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