Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Week 2

Koma é lé?

That's creole for "how's it going". And this week I would say "Le la, le la". "It's good, it's good". There are some things I really like about the area and some things that are still tricky. The nicest thing about St Paul is that we have a lot of recent converts and less actives that we are visiting, so we actually spend a good amount of time in lessons. Unfortunately, not tons of amis but it is definitely a nice and welcome change to not be contacting 24/7. 

This was my official "first sunday" in church because last week was general conference, so I introduced myself in church and had the opportunity to go to Relief Society and meet some more of the women. The only way to describe the branch of Le Port is that everyone is a character. 

So this is a picture of a volcan that we went to see! It's still active!! We had to wake up incredibly early at 3 in the morning to drive for nearly 2 hours to get there before the sun was really high in the sky. 

After 8 months on the island - I finally touched the ocean for the first time!! Photographic proof is down below!

The best thing about the southern part of the island is that it is really really beautiful!

This Thursday was Labor's Day in France, so we had a branch picnique that was super fun. Our really solid ami Marion came and we were fed spicy creole food. All positive things. It made me realize how long it's been since I went picniquing! The weather was actually nice. Still hot but there was a breeze. It was nice to do an activity with the members.

Mi aime a zot!

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