Wednesday, January 7, 2015

full of gratitude

 Sorry for those of you who were looking for my letter yesterday. I was sick. But am better now so no worries. So another huge blessing for this week is Sylvie and Solo again! Seriously, every week it is just another blessing to work with them. This week they brough lots of their family members to church! We showed up to walk them to church and the grandma, nephew and several little kids were there all excited to go to church! So we walked with all of them up to church. The whole time I just kept thinking about the scripture in Matthiew "Does a man light a candle and hide it under a bushel? No, but upon a chandlier and it gives light unto all those that are in the house" Sylvie and Solo have been recieving more and more of the gospel light each week and now they are sharing it with their family and the light is being seen to all those that are "in the house". I love that. You can actually SEE a change in them and their lives. This week Solo painted their house. It used to be just plain wood. Now it is green and blue and white and so pretty. He wrote scripture verses above the doorframe too.  They put up Christmas decorations in their house. The whole house is starting to have a different spirit. The two of them are getting along better. And all this because of the restored gospel. They already believed in God. They already prayed everyday. But there is something MORE and there is something DIFFERENT with the gospel we preach. It is restored - It is FULL and it changes people and their lives. Sylvie doesn't drink anymore. They are working really hard to get legally married in the next couple of weeks. Miracles are happening - and I get to be here to witness it. 

I don't really have a lot of time. But we also had Zone Conference this week and one of the things we talked about was desire. How we will be rewarded according to our desires. And also how at that last day we will have a perfect knowledge of our works - and our guilt. So now is the time to cultivate the right desires. It is not enough for us just not to do bad things but we must DESIRE good. We must desire to be obedient. We must sacrifice with wholeness of heart. Whoa. Pretty difficult right. Christ has said that to truly be His disciple we need to sacrifice all that we have. Often that sacrifice is actually just one of ourselves. Sacrificing our sins and our disobedience. Sacrificing our will to be aligned with His. Think about it a little this weeek.
Love you all,
Sister Stewart

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