Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

This week - not going to lie - was a tough one. Christmas was a little disappointing and the work was hard BUT talking to the family was of course the best thing ever! And even if one week was hard, we are still blessed by the Lord everyday and lucky to be missionaries! So a big thanks to the family, talking really boosted my spirits and especially your words at the end gave me more determination, enthusiasm, perserverence, you name it. These last few weeks sure have been challenging but I know I'm going to make it and I'm going to be helped and supported by the Lord all the way through. 

So there are not really traditions for Christmas here and not really much celebrating either. BUT *note for Kiari* I did find out that a few kids DID recieve presents - so turns out some of them do that tradition here. Most of the families we visited didn't give gifts but we saw some kids with new toys. We also had a "fetsy" or a christmas party at the church which was super fun. All the different auxiliaries presented something. The youth danced, the relief society sang, there were a few other musical numbers. I pretended to be Mary. We ate cake. It was a smash. And the best part was that after the party they put on the fun music and everyone rushed the dance floor. Like many other cultures, dancing is a BIG thing on Madagascar. Youth, women, and men all danced. They did some traditional dances and lots of just dancing. It was so cool to see - I filmed a lot. Even the littlest kids danced with the group, mimicking what they saw. You could tell it was definitely a part of the culture. Why don't we dance more? 

There is going to be another party for New Years and that one is solely devoted to dancing so I'm sure it's going to be awesome. My companion was so confused by our typical New Year's celebration since it's pretty low key. On her island in Guadeloupe it's a big deal! The whole family comes together and has a big meal and then dances until FOUR in the morning! All of them! Mom, Aunts, Uncles, not just the young teenagers or adults. Dancing is a big thing for them too. When I told her that the only party that most people who aren't highschool/college kids dance at is weddings, she was shocked. We need more dancing in our society I guess.

My health is good. My spirits are good too. I am definitely looking forward to coming home - even if it might change shortly after I get there! But I am also trying to make the most of right now and appreciate every moment the Lord has given me. Thank you everyone for your love, and support. I've spent the last year 2014 serving the Lord and having the most rewarding experience of my life and I am so excited to start a new year and see what the Lord has planned for me. Everyone should go watch the mormon message "Remember Lot's Wife" for the New Year - do it as a belated Christmas present for me. I get inspired everytime I see it. 
Love you All!!
Sister Stewart

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