Sunday, November 30, 2014

here comes the rain .


So this week brought more adventures in Madagascar. Nothing too new, lots of walking under a really hot sun. Yesterday it did pour again though! 

The language is coming along slowly. Unfortunately after my breakthrough last week there haven't been too many other miracle moments. I still struggle A LOT. I also can't understand almost anything. But I am trying to take it one step at a time and just focus on learning a new skill or conversation topic each day. 

I wish I had more to share but there just weren't many funny stories this week. I did accidentally ask someone how old their car was....I meant to say how many years of school they had done. 

To answer Dad's questions, yes we are inside of Tana - not the suburbs...although I am pretty sure suburbs don't really exist here. Yes we take the bus everyday. Yes they CRAM people into buses here. I have to get a picture. Also people take HUGE sacks of rice or live chickens on the bus so you have that to contend with, in addition to the people. 

My favorite thing about Madagascar in the meaning of names. Everything here has a meaning. Like the place where we live means "lots of onions" and a neighborhood nearby is called "where the cows sleep" Most of the people have names that mean something too. My favorite so far is the name Aina (pronounced Y-eye-na). It means soul. And it's so pretty. So yeah we meet people called "choice" or "precious" and I think it's so cool. This one lady is just called "the twin's mother" hahah 'cause she has a pair of twin girls. Somethings about the Malagasy languag are cool. I love the sound of it and will love it even more when I can speak it.

All my love,
Sr Stewart

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