Sunday, November 30, 2014

kely kely ( a little, a little )

Sorry everyone but I actually don't have very much time to write. Sr Johnson and I am supposed to go to a city about four hours away by bus to do exchanges with the other sisters. There are only 9 sisters in the whole Madagascar mission. 6 here in Tananarive, the capital and then 3 in a town named Antsirabe, which is way out in the country so it is supposed to by way beautiful. 

This week was alright. Our area is going through a rough spot. None of our investigators are progressing - mostly because they all refuse to come to church. So we had a lot of cancelled apts this week and are doing a lot of contacting (hey, I'm used to that!) only it's in Gasy....I have different spurts of success with the malagasy. I am convinced that I have been blessed with the inconstant gift of tongues. It feels like when I am in a situation where I HAVE to be able to do something with the language, I make it but other than that on a daily basis I can't understand what is being said. Like this week Sr Johnson got sick with bronchitis and another sister in the apt was also sick. Fortunately we had planned to do exchanges that day anyway so I went out with the non-sick sister, Sr Ramiaramanana - who is gasy. During the day we went to teach one of the recent converts from our area and I was able to teach a whole lesson on the Atonement! That's crazy! But then the next day I couldn't even explain what the Book of Mormon was.... So it's still tough. 

I don't really have time to write much else - I will make sure to write extra long next week. Sorry everyone!
Sr Stewart

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