Sunday, November 30, 2014

Ny Ireo Fitahina Any Andriamanitra - Blessings from God

So basically I have about 10 minutes to write to you about this week... Go! 

So health update. I am fine. I did get sick again on Friday which was a major bummer but once again it was a 24 hour thing. And I always tell the mission nurse and she takes good care of us. I'm not going to die out here - though sometimes after throwing up everything in one's body, one may wish that one could disapear. Also the flea bites have significantly decreased - YES! I'm not sure how long it takes packages to get here, but one just came for an Elder who left over 4 months ago - so it is possible that anything you send after December will not get here before I leave.

The transfers! Well passed! Sr Amoussouga is way cool and definitely has got her malagasy down. She is very "mahay" (ma-hi) as they say out here. This week went really well even without Sr Johnson. I remembered where everyone lived. We never took the wrong bus and no one ever cheated us out of too much bus fair money! So major success! In addition we were able to find a couple of new families who are interested in the gospel! 

Let me tell you real quick about this miracle family. The wife and husband are named Sylvie and Solo. We met them porting one day. They live in EXTREMELY humble settings. They live in this very small square house made out of wood. Two sides of the house are small enough that my arm span can cover them - the other two sides are only about a foot and a half longer. They have three cute little girls. We met them about 3 weeks ago. At first we just taught the wife Sylvie but she said her husband would be interested so he came the next time. The third time we came while they were fighting. They often have financial problems and can't always be sure to have enough money to put food on the table. When problems come up Sylvie drinks and that makes Solo so angry he beats her. We walked in right in the middle of one such problem. I felt so helpless, not knowing what exactly they were saying to each other and in general feeling overwhelmed with such a large problem. But we did the only thing we could - we taught them the gospel of Jesus Christ. We talked to them and told them that Sylvie needed to stop drinking and Solo needed to stop hitting Sylvie. This week they testified of the difference they have felt in their house. They say they have felt the Spirit more since we have started teaching them. Solo reads the Book of Mormon to Sylvie and the kids every night (she can't read) and he has come to church the past two Sundays. He reads every day and Sylvie is trying to stop drinking. They have literally felt and seen a difference in their lives ever since they started to listen to the restored gospel and read the Book of Mormon. They believed in God before. They went to church. They prayed every single day. And yet there is something different. Things have changed. That is such a testimony to me and this family is amazing!! Because they are so humble and ready to change. They are easily moldable and change themselves to follow the Lord and His teachings. Are we this easily moldable? Do we read the Book of Mormon everyday? Or are we too busy? Seriously an amazing testimony to me of what it means to be humble and quick to hearken and change for the Lord. I can't wait to tell you the rest of their progression as time goes on!

Long story but that is what fuels this work! I love Madagascar and my mission. Even if it is super hard. But that is how it has to be - the best path is always upward!
Sr STewar

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